Alternativen für geht es ?

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Aber die Alternativ-Frage klingt sehr gut. Actually, it's not really a joke. Scott , how are you man, it's nice to see you.

Aber die Alternativ-Frage klingt sehr gut. Nein, eigentlich doch eher menschlich. Na, wie geht's, wie steht's?

Na! Wie geht´s so, altes Haus ? - However, it is common to thank and to ask how the other person is doing: Danke, gut, und Ihnen?

I am reading a German book, and it says the question can be answered in different ways as follows: 1. My na wie gehts question is whether all of the above-mentioned equivalents are correct. You may put a tick or cross in front of them. My first question is whether all of the above-mentioned equivalents are correct. You may put a tick or cross in front na wie gehts them. These are the ones that I would consider appropriate in a general formal context: Without wanting to intrude in the more explicit parts of this discussion, there's one little part of the response missing that shouldn't be missed - not in case of colloquial greeting, but especially not in a formal one: No matter what response you choose as being appropriate, it should always be followed by a similar return question, e. Without wanting to intrude in the more explicit parts of this discussion, there's one little part of the response missing that shouldn't be missed - not in case of colloquial greeting, but especially not in a formal one: No matter what response you choose as being appropriate, it should always be followed by a similar return question, e. Even if you're not interested in the answer, it is just a polite thing to do. I don't think it's any different where you hail from: Small talk tends to be superficial with people you aren't close na wie gehts, and the appearance of everything and everybody being just fine tends to be kept up. In fact, many people don't even listen. There's the old joke of one person saying, How are you doing. Actually, it's not really a joke. Bottom line: Information as to how you're really doing is unexpected, even unwanted, except among people close enough with one another. Thank you for your remark. What's wrong with this version. I don't know the meaning of that expression exactly, but there are some expressions in my mother tongue which their usage are acceptable in some areas while they are considered completely rude and offensive in other places. In fact, there are some regional differences in usage of those words. Is this expression in a similar scenario. I don't think it's any different where you hail from: Small talk tends to be superficial with people you aren't close with, and the appearance of everything and everybody being just fine tends to be kept up. In fact, many people don't even listen. There's the old joke of one person saying, How are you doing. Actually, it's not really a joke. Bottom line: Information as to how you're really doing is unexpected, even unwanted, except among people close enough na wie gehts one another. Thank you for your remark. What's wrong with this version. I don't know the meaning of that expression exactly, but there are some expressions in my mother tongue which their usage are acceptable in some areas while they are considered completely rude and offensive in other places. In fact, there are some regional differences in usage of those words. Is this expression in a similar scenario. I did indeed make a quick poll among some of my friends and aquaintances, and not one of them even my wife found the alleged innuendo that some of the forum members here observed. I, however, will continue to use this phrase scot-free within my circle of friends without further risk of physical abuse. I did indeed make a quick poll among some of my friends and aquaintances, and not one of them even my wife found the alleged innuendo that some of the forum members here observed. I, however, will continue to use this phrase scot-free within my circle of friends without further risk of physical abuse. The word es in es geht mir gut means nothing whatsoever. It is the same es as in es regnet it rains. You'll find many discussions here concerning es. There is no sense in trying to translate it literally. Freunde, Familie, Kollegen, Nachbarn, die man sehr gut kennt und mit denen man schon ausgiebig gesprochen hat. Vorgesetzte, Menschen, die man nicht oder kaum kennt, öffentlich Bedienstete, alle, deren Humor man nicht kennt und die eventuell körperlich überlegen sind. So I agree with Glockenblume, but I think that as a general guideline, the advice given by cuore romano is very good. In case of doubt, it's better to use a more formal way of speaking, rather than a too colloquial and jocular one.

Ilja Livschakoff Erwin Hartung Na, wie geht's (1933)
I am retired no boss and no subordinates , I am also about 15 years older than my long-time teacher this is the third year that I will be studying with her , and I am at least 30+ years older than my fellow students - and I have grey hair. I don't think it's any different where you hail from: Small talk tends to be superficial with people you aren't close with, and the appearance of everything and everybody being just fine tends to be kept up. Nein, eigentlich doch eher menschlich. Eine Floskel, die einfach zwischendurch abgearbeitet wurde. Es würde sein ganzes Tageskonzept durcheinander bringen und was noch schlimmer ist - er würde auch noch darüber nachdenken, schlaflose Nächte haben oder sogar Andere fragen, wie man mir denn helfen könnte. Nein, auch wenn der Ansatz mehr als unterstützenswert ist, ich glaube, das wird nichts bei mir… Oder was beschäftigt dich gerade, Tim? Gut, mein Vater kommt jetzt endlich auf Bewährung raus, meine Schwester kann vom Strassenstrich ins Bordell wie einem Auto, das bei grün nach links abbiegt. I don't think it's any different where you hail from: Small talk tends to be superficial with people you aren't close with, and the appearance of everything and everybody being just fine tends to be kept up. Die Wenigsten wollen eine ehrliche Antwort darauf. Ist Staatsgeheimnis - frag was anders. I, however, will continue to use this phrase scot-free within my circle of friends without further risk of physical abuse. Gehts mit deiner Stimmung also bergauf?