perplexed - why is my husband getting email from questionable web sites?
❤️ Click here: Why does my husband get emails from dating.
He is doing all of that. In the meantime, I suggest learning to love yourself, and then, figuring out if he's The One. I know he just deletes them though.
If I'm not enough then I have no need to be dragged around. He's not interested in 'familiar', he is after strange or fresh poontang, and you can't be that for hi because you're now familiar to him.
perplexed - why is my husband getting email from questionable web sites? - Good luck with everything.
But after the initial incident they slowed and have started up again even worse. It has been 4 months since he started getting them. Should I be worried? Thanks for the input, he has also recently started hiding the emails and deleting search history daily.. But none are ever responses, they are like conversation initiations. I know he just deletes them though. What do u think? He has also started getting mad if I even plug his phone in for him. He has unlimited access to my phone and all my accounts. Even this if he wanted. The only reason I am on here is because he told me I wasn't allowed to talk to my guy friends to ask for advice. And now I barely speak to them.. Just generally unsure if he has been doing something he promised me he wasn't doing anymore. I guess I feel lied to. Even though I'm not sure if he is actually lying. And I feel like if he can tell me whom I can talk to and he can have access to everything I do and say, why can't I even ask him who he is messaging without him getting mad. It's an unfair double standard right? It's just he has hurt me, a few times now, and he then gets mad at me for wondering or asking a question. Even though i still trust him when he might not always deserve it.. Maybe feeling 'betrayed' or unloved is? These are feelings Anger, sadness, resentment, trapped.. Trapped, because he has you in a manipulative double bind.. You cannot ask him because he gets angry.. But this is about you, your self esteem. You feelings ARE important, and you need to voice them.. You are worth it.. Thank you,and yes you are right, betrayed makes more sense. I will talk to him, i have tried before and he got angry and shut down. It made everything worse. That is why I was leaving it alone, trying to give him space so maybe he could open up again. But seeing as that hasn't happened I will try to talk to him again. Yet I let him talk to his ex and ask her for advice on me.. He always says that he couldn't live without me and our son. My main worry wouldn't be that he didn't choose what i wanted from him, but more if he didn't follow through because what then? I love him so much I don't ever want to be without him. I have so many problems and insecurities myself that he does deal with nicely. That in sure no one else would ever understand. I very highly doubt that. And I would feel awful, broken probably. But i couldn't be that way, not on the outside. I have a 3 month old son, I don't have time for sorrow or really anything other then him.. I figured this could be part of the problem but it started before we had him, and briefly got better after we did.. Hello Turtle77, The same thing happened to me. I got VERY upset about that. He admitted that he was looking at these women but he denied having interacted with them. It is possible and even probable that this is what happened to your husband. I hope this helps.. I don't think you have to be worried unless you actually see messages between your husband and some female on line or on the cell phone. If you see something like that, you need to tell him to stop it. Foxie turtle 8-9 times a day, these are probably spam invites and not real people. I even get these things all the time on Instagram and I don't even watch it!! Keep watching, trust your instinct, but at this point, unless you have more solid evidence, it sounds like he's just addicted to watching it, which is no big deal. Thanks Foxie and Love is Blind. I will keep an eye. And he doesn't watch it. Or at least he says he doesn't. If he still does and he is lying to me again it would be a huge deal. Especially since I am not okay with it whatsoever. If I'm not enough then I have no need to be dragged around. Also Johnny Nicks, i have watched the first video and it was very interesting, and parts of it did u it home. But there were also things I disagreed with. I know I am vulnerable and how to be vulnerable without really fighting, and I am open and I love so deeply. I acknowledge that I am not perfect, but that doesn't stop me from feeling down, or a little unworthy once in a while. Or stop me from wanting to better myself. Maybe I am missing the point. I plan on watching the others and maybe that one again. But i see what you were hinting at about me working on my communication. Men are pigs with no care about how it make thier woman feel. I'm tired of being told it's just a guy thing. It is hurtful and embarrassing and disrespectful on so many levels. But his is covered in it. Your absolutely right about everything. My husband has been getting nasty spam emails and i have had a gut feeling something wasn't right but he denied it of course that he was cheating. I still feel like he talks to other women on his phone so im confused on what to do.
3 Texting Secrets Men Can't Resist - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy
I think that he might have been on Facebook just browsing when he should not have been. That doesn't sound right because I've played and never did I have to go to such custodes to get points. So just in case is there any way I can find out if my husband does have another email address?. But i couldn't be that way, not on the outside. That in sure no one else would ever understand. Also, why is he opening them and note links instead of deleting the emails?.